The Goldfields water supply : the true story of its origin
This article provides a detailed and engaging account of the development of the Goldfields water supply system, shedding light on an important aspect of Western Australia's history.
It outlines the challenges faced by early miners in the Goldfields, who were forced to rely on local streams and wells for their water supply. It then looks at the efforts of government officials and engineers to develop a more reliable water supply system, including the construction of dams, pipelines, and pumping stations.
It also discusses C. Y. O'Connor to develop a plan for a pipeline that would transport water from the Mundaring Weir near Perth to the Goldfields region. The pipeline, known as the Goldfields Water Supply Scheme, was completed in 1903 and revolutionised the way water was delivered to Laverton and other towns in the region.
Although Mount Margaret Mission where May grew up was supplied with bore water, piped water to the nearby towns of Laverton and Leonora made easier for communities to settle long term in the area.