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School of Computer and Security Science, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Western Australia


The Roundtable will explore local experience in planning, designing and implementing IRs with a panel of speakers from Edith Cowan University (David Howard), the University of Western Australia (Ray White), Curtin University (David Wells) and Rebecca Foley (formerly of the SHERPA-LEAP project / University of London).

The Roundtable will be of interest to students and anyone who has implemented or is planning to implement an institutional repository.


An Institutional Repository (IR) is a set of services and technologies that provide the means to collect, manage, provide access to, disseminate, and preserve digital materials produced at an institution (Shreeves and Cragin, 2008). The take up of IR technologies in universities has been broadly contemporaneous with the adoption of Web 2.0 technologies, beginning with the release of the first usable system, DSpace, in 2002. Since 2002, IRs have moved from academia to government, museums and corporations. Today, IRs are increasingly seen as a key component of the ‘networked information economy’ (Benkler, 2006). In many institutions, libraries are assuming program responsibility for institutional repositories.

DHoward_Repositories at ECU_Oct_2009.pdf (137 kB)
David Howard's presentation

dh.mp3 (8452 kB)
Audio recording of David Howard's presentation

RWhite UWA Institutional Repository.pdf (97 kB)
Ray White's presentation

rw.mp3 (9470 kB)
Audio recording of Ray White's presentation

DWells Curtin rev2.pdf (221 kB)
David Wells's presentation

dw.mp3 (9182 kB)
Audio recording of David Wells's presentation

RFoley SHERPA-LEAP.pdf (25 kB)
Rebecca Foley's presentation

rf.mp3 (12122 kB)
Audio recording of Rebecca Foley's presentation
