eCULTURE is an annual conference conducted at Edith Cowan University. Papers accepted for the conference are peer reviewed. Effort is made to review with a developmental focus so that authors are introduced to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). ISSN: 2201-4403
Submissions are not currently being accepted for eCULTURE.
Current Volume: Volume 7 (2014)
Journal Articles
Promoting Creativity through Explicit Teaching Strategies
Mark McMahon and Andrew Ewing
Using eye tracking, time-to-action, heart-rate and perceived task difficulty to assess level of distraction and performance of entry-level paramedicine students in low- versus high-fidelity simulation
Owen Carter, Brennen W. Mills, Cobie Rudd, Natalie Strobel, Louise Claxton, and Nathan Ross
Clinical placement before or after simulated learning environments? A naturalistic study of clinical skills acquisition amongst early-stage paramedicine students
Brennen W. Mills Mr, Owen Carter A/Prof, Cobie Rudd Prof, Nathan Ross Mr, and Louise Claxton Mrs
Australian Midwifery Students' Views about Profession-Specific Peer Mentoring
Sara J. Bayes, Doreen Collyer, Kirsten Dobbs, and Laura Walsh
Conference Proceedings
“It’s the best idea ever!”: Exam for the BYOD generation.
Susan J. Main Mrs and Alistair Campbell PhD
Performance, Assessment and Communication in one App: Mobile Tablet Assessment is Here to Stay
Alistair Campbell PhD and Susan J. Main Mrs
Paramedicine and Social Work: Case Studies in Authentic Student Recruitment
Nathalie Collins, Lynelle Watts, Renee Strauss, and David Hodgson