



Who Can Submit?

Anyone who is a staff member at Edith Cowan University can submit an original article to be considered for the eCulture conference. After reviewing and presentation at eCulture it will be considered for publication here provided that the author owns the copyright to the work being submitted or is authorized by the copyright owner or owners to submit the article. Authors are the initial owners of the copyrights to their works (an exception in the non-academic world to this might exist if the authors have, as a condition of employment, agreed to transfer copyright to their employer).

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General Submission Rules

eCulture has a particular theme each year and articles need to relate to the theme to be considered for the conference and subsequent publication. The overall theme of a paper should relate to teaching and learning at tertiary level at ECU.
Please contact the editor with any manuscript ideas if unsure as to suitability.
eCulture papers are blind, peer reviewed by a minimum of two members of the Editorial Board.

The Journal does not charge any submission fees or article processing charges.

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Formatting Requirements

It is the responsibility of the author to produce an electronic version of the article as a Microsoft Word, file


  • Capitalized (all words except for short connectives should start with a capital letter);
  • Centered between the margins
  • Serif typeface (e.g. Times or Times New Roman);
  • 14 point
  • Bold font; and
  • No title page.

Name and affiliation of each author

  • Leave 2 blank lines after title;
  • Write name and institution of each author on separate lines,
  • Include country if not Australian institution;
  • Centered;
  • Serif typeface (e.g. Times or Times New Roman);
  • 12 point;
  • Not bold or italics;
  • Leave 2 blank lines after the last author; and
  • No acknowledgements here.


  • Leave 2 blank lines after name and affiliation of each author;
  • Around 200 words in length;
  • Indent 2 cm from left and right margins;
  • Start the abstract with the sequence "Abstract:" (without the quotes);
  • No line break after "Abstract:";
  • 12 point italic text; and
  • Leave 2 lines after abstract.


  • The body of the paper should begin immediately after the title, author text and abstract.
  • Serif font (e.g. Times or Times New Roman);
  • 12 point;
  • Indent the start of each paragraph one tab;
  • Single line spacing for normal text;
  • Bold type and underlining should be avoided;
  • Left justified so that the right margin is ragged; and
  • All text should be single-spaced

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  • No footnotes.


  • Serif font (e.g. Times or Times New Roman);
  • Leave 2 lines above and 1 line below the headings;
  • If a heading is directly followed by a lower level heading then the 2 blank lines before the lower level heading should be omitted;
  • All headings should be capitalized (i.e. all words except for short connectives should have a capital initial);
  • All (except title) headings should be left-justified; and
  • Heading levels:
    • Title: centered, 14 point, bold
    • 1st-level heading: left-justified, 12 point, bold
    • 2nd-level heading: left-justified, 10 point, bold
    • 3rd-level heading: left-justified, 10 point, bold, italic


  • Start with first (not title heading) level header: "References".


  • Optional
  • Appear at the end of the article after References.
  • Start the acknowledgements section with the sequence "Acknowledgements" in 12 point, left justified, followed by a single blank line.

Figures and Tables

  • Centered;
  • One blank line above
  • Insert the text "Figure n: description" or "Table n: description" after figure or table (n is a unique number);
  • 10 point font;
  • Bold; and
  • One blank line below
  • Please insert Table or Figure at correct place in text - do not use “Place Table n here” in text with the Table at the end of the text.

In text references

  • Quote only when it is said better in the quote than can be said in your own words;
  • Place quotes within parentheses, in normal text style, if 40 words or less;
  • Insert the sequence "(Name, year, page number)" (without the quotes) into the running text for a citation to a literature reference;
  • Indent 2cm from each margin, without parentheses, single spaced, for 40 words or more. The page number for this reference is placed at the end of the quote;
  • Name is the second name of the author and year is the year of printing.
  • A citation to several authors is allowed. In this case the single authors must be delimited either by commas or the word "&". The phrase "et al." is also valid if authors are listed in full, first time;
  • Year should be written in long form (i.e. 1992). Use a lower case literal, if you refer to more than one article of an author of the same year (ie 1992a). The word "see" and the brackets around the year are optional;
  • Insert the sequence "(Fig. n)" (without the quotes) into the running text to refer to a Figure contained in the current document;
  • Insert the sequence "(Tab. n)" (without the quotes) into the running text for a markup to a table contained in the current document; and

End text references (Reference list)

  • Every Reference must start with the sequence "Name (Year)." (without the quotes). Name and year must match the citation in the running text [see Citations];
  • The single information fields of a Reference (Author1, Author2, Title...) should be divided by commas or semicolons; and
  • Use APA style when referencing a book or journal article making sure to precede the reference with the bracketed information described above.

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Authors publishing in ECULTURE retain copyright for their paper and permission is not required from ECULTURE to republish the article elsewhere or in another form. The following also do not require permission:

  • Storage and back-up of the article on the author's computer(s) and digital media (e.g., diskettes, back-up servers, Zip disks, etc.), provided that the article stored on these computers and media is not readily accessible by persons other than the author(s);
  • Posting of the article on the author(s) personal website, provided that the website is non-commercial;
  • Posting of the article on the internet as part of a non-commercial open access institutional repository or other non-commercial open access publication site affiliated with the author(s)'s place of employment (e.g., a Phrenology professor at the University of Southern North Dakota can have her article appear in the University of Southern North Dakota's Department of Phrenology online publication series); and
  • Posting of the article on a non-commercial course website for a course being taught by the author at the university or college employing the author.

People seeking permission, or who have questions about use, should email eculture@ecu.edu.au.

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