Indigenous child care-leading the way
Document Type
Journal Article
Early Childhood Australia
Faculty of Computing, Health and Science
School of Computing, Health and Science Faculty Office
The authors believe that the Australian early childhood sector is not performing well. The incidence of poor outcomes for children is increasing, and they believe that current service delivery is not capable of addressing this. They argue that, as a sector, there is an abundance of evidence of the kinds of indigenous programs and initiatives that could address national concerns, and review some of that evidence. They also point out that there is considerable knowledge in Australia, based on Australian programs and experience, that can be used to build a different early childhood sector with the potential to significantly impact on growing disadvantage. They conclude with the principles or themes around which such initiatives should be developed and a call to advocate for the development of such services. Appropriate services supporting all Australian young children, their families and their communities, have the potential to make a huge impact on society, and the community can no longer hide from their responsibilities and avoid providing such services.
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Jackiewicz, S., Saggers, S., Sims, M., Hutchins, T., Guilfoyle, A., & Targowska, A. (2008). Indigenous child care-leading the way. Australian Journal of Early Childhood, 33(1), 56.
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