Document Type



Department of Justice Studies, Edith Cowan University

Place of Publication

Joondalup, Western Australia


Department of Justice Studies


Omaji, P., & Srinivasan, N. (1996). Making justice culturally sensitive: Project implementation report. Joondalup, Australia: Department of Justice Studies, Edith Cowan University.


The Commonwealth Department of Employment, Education and Training (as it was then called) funded Edith Cowan University from the 1995 National Priority (Reserve) Fund to direct a project to identify courses for educating and training personnel employed by justice agencies on multicultural issues; identify course content for a program to educate NESB and Aboriginal peoples on various aspects of the Australian justice system; and develop training packages for the justice agencies and NESB and Aboriginal communities. The Project was conceived against the background of an increasing concern about the well-being of minority groups within the justice system.

The University, through its Department of Justice Studies and Centre for Police Studies, in conjunction with other tertiary providers, justice agencies and NESB and Aboriginal community organisations, executed the project in accordance with the conditions of the agreement. The implementation was guided by the goal of enhancing a greater understanding of the Australian justice system by NESB and Aboriginal people, and a greater understanding of cultural issues by the justice personnel.

The Project found that while some organisations were moving into a well advanced stage of policy development and implementation of cultural awareness programs, most were at a stage of either 'no action' or preliminary discussions about cross-cultural training programs. It also found that very few courses or programs on cultural awareness for the justice agencies have been subjected to systematic and comprehensive evaluation...
