Document Type
Conference Proceeding
IEEE Press
Faculty of Computing, Health and Science
School of Engineering / Centre for Communications Engineering Research
In this paper, we design an admission control scheme for ad hoc WLAN based on self-restraint mechanism. The self-restraint admission control mechanism is implemented in each of the wireless nodes instead of the access point (AP). It has two important admission control abilities: first, it can restrain itself from joining the network if the network channel is congested; second, a joining node can drop itself from the network if the channel becomes congested as a result of its admission. We simulate an ad hoc WLAN and show that the self-restraining mechanism works effectively in sustaining traffic in ad hoc WLAN and also protects real-time traffic.
Access Rights
This is an Author's Accepted Manuscript of: Zen, H. , Habibi, D. , Ahmad, I. , & Rassau, A. M. (2008). Node Admission Control For Multimedia Traffic In Ad-Hoc WLANs. Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications. ATC 2008. (pp. 417-420). Hanoi, Vietnam. IEEE Press. Available here
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