The Influence Of Cognitive Response On Shopping Satisfaction In Australia And Indonesia

Document Type

Conference Proceeding


Faculty of Business and Law


School of Marketing, Tourism and Leisure




Budisantoso, T., & Mizerski, K. (2008). The Influence Of Cognitive Response On Shopping Satisfaction In Australia And Indonesia. In Marketing: Shifting the focus from mainstream to offbeat: Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference. Sydney, Australia. Abstract only available.


This study examines the relationship between the cognitive response and the perception of store atmosphere and the shopping satisfaction and the cognitive response in two different countries, Australia and Indonesia. The cognitive response is measured in terms of the perception of merchandise quality and the perception of service quality. The result of factor analysis shows measurements invariance on the perception of store atmosphere and the cognitive measurements in Australia and Indonesia. Meanwhile, the shopping satisfaction measurement has a similar factor loading pattern in both countries. The cognitive response is found to be influenced by the perception of store atmosphere in both countries. Likewise, shopping satisfaction is affected by the cognitive response in Australia and Indonesia.

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