Place: What Makes it Special?
Document Type
VDM Verlag Dr. Muller
Place of Publication
Saarbrucken Germany
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Marketing, Tourism and Leisure
People's attachment to their environment is surprising and powerful. This book investigates the influence people’s attachment to their environment has on a number of everyday consumption behaviours and related choices in a regional town in the southern wheat-belt area of Western Australia. It provides further understanding relating to the motivations underlying a set of economic and social decisions made by town and farm residents that, in turn affect the life and sustainability of their town. It is one of only a few research studies to examine together the dynamics between place and community attachment. Place has traditionally been researched by recreationalists, geographers and environmental psychologists in studying consumer choice of leisure, sporting locations and holidays. This work positions place as a significant facit in everyday consumption activities, providing valuable insights for regional town planners, managers and business proprietors in how to communicate with their markets.
Ryan, M.(2009) Place: What Makes it Special : A Country Town in Focus. Saarbrucken Germany: VDM Verlag Dr. Muller.