The effectiveness of investigative tools for Secure Digital (SD) Memory Card forensics
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Faculty of Computing, Health and Science
School of Computer and Information Science / Centre for Security Research
There are many freeware based tools that can be downloadedfrom the World Wide Web. This paper reports the retrieval results of using these tools on digital images which have been deletedfrom Secure Digital (SD) carde. Since SD carde and USE flash drives are considered solid state technology, the tools selected are specifically for solid state drives. This research helps classify the selection of the most eifoctivefreeware tools that could be used to recover lost or deleted images, Further, it includes some of the issues that wouldfaceforensic examiners undertaking such investigations. The tools were tested using the Windows environment and did not require any specific forensics background in order to retrieve the images. The testing procedures included retrieval time and the state of the deleted image, viewable or damaged (corrupt). A review of tool functionality is given together with the most effective tools useful in retrieving images from deleted Secure Digital cards.
Access Rights
Al-Hajri, H. & Williams, P. (2007). The effectiveness of investigative tools for Secure Digital (SD) Memory Card forensics Proceedings of the 5th Australian Digital Forensics Conference (pp. 22-23). Perth, Western Australia. : SECAU _ Security Research Centre, ECU. Available here