The future of learning objects in educational programs
Document Type
Book Chapter
Informing Science Press
Faculty of Computing, Health and Science
School of Computer and Information Science
The future of learning objects in educational programs is closely tied to the future of elearning and the development of online curriculum in education. Learning objects should reflect best teaching, learning practice and enhance the curriculum. They will only become a feature of educational curriculum if teachers are provided with opportunities and support to learn how to embed them into learning programs in a pedagogically sound manner. As with e-leaming overall, the teaching needs to change first. Otherwise the future of learning objects will reflect previous attempts to integrate technology into educational programs which have enjoyed limited success and produced few discemable educational outcomes for students.
Combes, B. , & Valli, R. (2007). The future of learning objects in educational programs. In Keith Harman & Alex Koohang (Eds.). Learning Objects 4: Applications, implications & future directions (pp. 423-462). United Kingdom: Informing Science Press. Available here.