Knowledge mapping readiness
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
We-B Centre, Edith Cowan Unversity
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Management
Knowledge mapping is an important first step to effective, organisational knowledge management. However, little research exists on how best to prepare for this activity and no consensus exist on its meaning and approaches. This paper provides a theoretical analysis of the topic by identifying different perspectives, types and techniques that support knowledge mapping. To identify important factors that need to be managed during the development of knowkdge maps, three cases are reviewed. From those, success factors for knowledge mapping are synthesised and key consideration that the organisation needs to address are provided. The important conclusion drawn is that, unless a holistic approach to knowledge mapping is taken, the danger exists that it is undertaken in a simplistic manner and, furthermore, that knowledge maps are "dumbed down" on map users.
Lee, J.K., Fink, D. (2007). Knowledge mapping readiness. In the proceedings of the Conference on Information Management and Internet Research (CIMIR) 2007. (pp. 297 - 306). Joondalup, Australia: Edith Cowan University.