The impact of IT maturity on the adoption of IS/IT investment evaluation and benefits realization methodologies

Document Type

Conference Proceeding


Faculty of Business and Law


School of Management




Lin, C., & Huang, Y. (2006). The Impact of IT Maturity on the Adoption of IS/IT Investment Evaluation and Benefits Realization Methodologies. BAI 2006 International Conference on Business and Information.


While techniques for evaluating information systems/information technology (IS/IT) investments are generally well-known and sometimes used, relatively less formality is applied to evaluating, managing and realising their benefits. Very little research has been conducted to examine the effects of IT maturity on the use of the evaluation methodologies and the management of IS/IT benefits. The major contribution of this research was the development a maturity matrix of investment evaluation and benefit realization paths that assists organizations in making and substantiating better business decisions. The finding also indicated that IT maturity has a positive impact on the adoption of IS/IT investment evaluation and benefits realization approaches. The relationship between the level of IT maturity and the use of IS/IT investment evaluation and benefit realization methods was tested and validated.

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