The critical success factors and evaluation issues for eCRM implementation

Document Type

Conference Proceeding


Faculty of Business and Law


School of Management




Lin, C., Huang, Y. A., Chung, H. J., & Liu, Y. C. (2006). The Critical Success Factors and Evaluation Issues for eCRM Implementation. In Proceedings of the 10th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Universiti Putra Malaysia and National University of Singapore.


In the context of globalization and international economic integration currently, competitive pressure from the requirements of customers for banking product and services are increasing. Banks must increase investment in technological applications, built and develop modern infrastructure to diversify the banking products and services, in which the most flourishing sector is electronic banking services. Implementing successfully Electric Customer Relationship Managemet - eCRM solutions banks are expected to be the optimal solution increasing ability to understand and approaching customers better, thereby improving the bank's competitiveness. However, successful rate of implementing eCRM in world as well as in Vietnam is not high. Banks implemented eCRM often have not achieved success as expected. This study identifies and quantifies the factors that affect the success of eCRM implement of commercial banks in Vietnam, then propose solutions helping banks implement successfully eCRM solutions, improving competitive competence of commercial banks in Vietnam today.

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