How effectively do we communicate about wine?

Document Type

Conference Proceeding


Faculty of Business and Law


School of Marketing, Tourism and Leisure




Charters, S., & Pettigrew, S. (2006). How effectively do we communicate about wine. In Proceedings of the 3rd international wine business and marketing research conference, July 6–8, Montpellier.


The relationship between wines and the words used to describe them is a complex one, and has received little attention from academics involved in wine marketing. This paper reports on an exploratory study in Australia which investigated how both consumers and professionals use words to communicate ideas about wine in the context of evaluation, promotion and sales. The findings suggest that imprecisely used and misperceived language compound issues of evaluating wine. Additionally, while professionals feel confident that they can communicate with consumers, the latter are more sceptical about the claims that those in the industry make for wines. The implications of this are crucial for those involved in marketing wine who wish both to convey ideas about the product and to understand what consumers have to say about it.

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