Links between community and individual resilience: Evidence from cyclone affected communities in north West Australia
Document Type
Book Chapter
Charles C Thomas
Faculty of Computing, Health and Science
School of Psychology
Ensuring that communities can respond and recover from disasters requires organization and preparation prior to their occurrence (Quarantelli, 1985). This chapter considers how the goals of organization and preparedness can be pursued from hvo perspectives. First, it briefly considers how individual and community characteristics influence vulnerability. Then discussion turns to the role of resilience factors and how interactions between individual- and community-level factors influence post-disaster outcomes. This process is illustrated with a case study of the impact of cyclones on communities in Northwest Australia.
Pooley, J. , Cohen, L. , & O'Connor, M. (2006). Links between community and individual resilience: Evidence from cyclone affected communities in north West Australia. In Douglas Paton and David Johnston (Eds.). Disaster Resilience: An Integrated Approach (pp. 161-173). Springfield, USA: Charles C Thomas. Available here.