Document Type

Journal Article


Melbourne University Publishing Ltd


Faculty of Education and Arts


School of Communications and Arts




Green, L. R. (2006). Understanding celebrity and the public sphere. Cultural Studies Review, 12(2), 215-225. Available here.


However, he argues, this is a cause for celebration because the 'old model' ('modernist' construction) of the public sphere suited and benefited an influential minority in society (white, middle-class, educated males) and the new model of the ('postmodern') public sphere increasingly engages the sectors of society systematically excluded and marginalised by modernity's view of what the public sphere should be and does. An Introduction was pitched as a starting point for debate and thus wasn't explicitly addressed to me-after all, I've studied and written on the public sphere myself.18 McKee's book was consequently an unexpected treat and all the more delicious as a result of its piquant disregard of many academic conventions, in particular the repetition of the structure of the main thesis and the use of extremely accessible and non-academic language (for example, the analysis of what makes the public sphere trashy [83]).

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