Wildlife Tourism
Document Type
Channel View Publications
Faculty of Business and Public Management
School of Marketing, Tourism and Leisure
This book represents the first major contribution on the subject in the new millennium. Its strengths include its scientific base, its integration of science and social science perspectives as well as its global scope. Whilst this is primarily a research text it is also a valuable resource for students pursuing university and training programmes, tourism industry professionals, planners and managers in natural area management and, finally, government agency employees. The underpinning base of the book is embedded firmly in the authors' shared belief that wildlife tourism is an exciting venture based on the twin goals of fostering wildlife conservation and natural area tourism development. The foundation on ecology and impacts is valuable, but of even greater value is the explanation on the practical aspects of managing natural area tourism. Adaptive management is advanced as a key platform in ongoing sustainable management in the uncertain and complex world of wildlife tourism.
Newsome, D., Dowling, R. K., & Moore, S. A. (2005). Wildlife Tourism. Clevedon, UK: Channel View Publications. Available here