The requirements of methodologies for developing web applications [book chapter]
Document Type
Book Chapter
Faculty of Business and Public Management
School of Management
The Internet has had a significant impact on the process of developing information systems. However, there has been little research that has examined specifically the role of the development methodologies in this new era. Although there are many new forces driving systems development, many other issues are extensions of problems that have been there for some years. This paper identifies the main requirements of methodologies for developing e-commerce applications. A number of e-commerce application development approaches are examined and a methodology is proposed which attempts to address a number of issues identified within the literature. The Internet commerce development methodology (ICDM) considers evolutionary development of systems, provides a business and strategic focus and includes a management structure in addition to covering the engineering aspects of e-commerce application development.Many traditional systems development methodologies are perceived as being inadequate for dealing with the development of e-commerce systems. The paper proposes that there is a need for an overarching development framework where other more sub-system specific approaches can be integrated. However, any such framework should consider the strategic business drivers of the system, the evolutionary nature of systems, effective management structures and the development of a conducive organisational culture.
Standing, C. (2005) The Requirements of Methodologies for Developing Web Applications. In Suh, W. (Ed.) Web Engineering: Principles and Techniques. Hershey: Idea Group Publishing. p.261-280. Available here.