What makes the boy from Oz good? Hugh Jackman and the pedagogy of excellence

Document Type

Journal Article


University of South Australia


Faculty of Community Services, Education and Social Sciences


Communications and Creative Industries Deans Office / Centre for Research in Entertainment, Arts, Technology, Education and Communications




Quin, R., Hunt, L., & Sparrow, H. (2005). What makes the Boy from Oz good? Hugh Jackman and the pedagogy of excellence. Journal of Educational Enquiry, 6(1), 1-18. Available here


With this paper we present the findings of a qualitative study providing baseline information on staff attitudes towards learning in a performing arts setting. The pedagogy for learning in performing arts courses has arisen, in part, from master-apprenticeship relationships between students and expert practitioners. This study is an exploration of how these traditional patterns of learning translate to a university environment and of the pedagogical expectations and processes of actors, singers and dancers. The location of this study is the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts at Edith Cowan University, Perth, Western Australia (WAAPA@ECU). It is an elite training school for students wishing to pursue careers on the screen and stage as actors, dancers, musicians or producers/directors. The study was prompted by a recognition that WAAPA@ECU produces nationally and internationally recognised 'excellent outcomes'. It is, therefore, informed by an interest in the pedagogy of excellence in a performing arts setting.

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