The Industry of General Practice: Its Infrastructure
Document Type
Book Chapter
Commonwealth of Australia
Faculty of Computing, Health and Science
School of Nursing, Midwifery and Postgraduate Medicine
This chapter is also in two parts. The first part deals with the context of infrastructure, governance and leadership. This section provides an interesting discussion of the theoretical underpinnings of infrastructure development in health. It then goes on to describe the various elements of general practice infrastructure in Australia, including a review of the organisations that make up that infrastructure. The second part of this chapter looks into individual practices – how they are structured, the types of business arrangements and the way in which these features interplay. This is the first such typology of practice to appear in this series. Exploring some of the infrastructure support and development issues with key industry people enhances the chapter. This provides a real life backdrop to the theory and analysis discussed.
Rudd, C. J., & Watts, I. (2005). The industry of general practice: its infrastructure. In Catherine West (Ed.), General Practice in Australia: 2004 (pp. 359-419). Canberra, Australia: Commonwealth of Australia.