Usage and management of business assistance by small business: Time for a rethink?
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Promaco Conventions Pty Ltd
Faculty of Business and Public Management
School of Management
This study compared the use of business assistance by women at start-up and current point in time, with the finding that the use of government sponsored agencies falls off once a business is established, however the usage of accountants and lawyers goes up as businesses become established. This indicates a preparedness on the part of business operators to pay for advice services. Also highlighted is the gap in the market for business assistance on an on-going basis, especially for women, as they have less well developed business networks to use for informal business assistance.
Walker, E. A., & Still, L. (2003). Usage and Management of business assistance by small business: time for a rethink?. Proceedings of 17th Annual Conference of ANZAM 2003. Fremantle, WA. Promaco Conventions Pty Ltd. Conference website available here.