What stockholders value in corporate reputations
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Promaco Conventions Pty Ltd
Faculty of Business and Public Management
School of Management
Developing ways to enhance corporate reputation across diverse stakeholder groups is a major challenge for management and marketing professionals. As such, this exploratory stndy identifies what stakeholders value in corporate reputations in Western Australia's substantial mineral and resources sectors. Based on the study findings, the paper also proposes a values-based conceptual model to aid the corporate reputation management process. Furthermore, through the focus group and in-depth interview sessions, an extra dimension of corporate reputation is discovered - a normative value - 'doing it by the book'. This research answers a call in the literature to investigate the interrelationships between reputation and its referents. It also has important implications for the future study and practice of corporate reputation management.
Mazzella, A., Huang, X. (2003). What stockholders value in corporate reputations. In Surfing the Waves: Management Challenges, Management Solutions Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference. Conference website available here.