Issues in Measuring Family Care Needs and Satisfaction
Document Type
Book Chapter
Faculty of Computing, Health and Science
School of Nursing, Midwifery and Postgraduate Medicine / WA Centre for Cancer and Palliative Care
Care of dying patients and their families has been described as a unique type of care, requiring special skills and knowledge of health professionals. Hospice care providers consider the patient and family to be the unit of care and endeavor to assess and meet the needs of family members. As family witness care provided to an ill family member and receive care themselves in the forms of information, emotional support, and/or respite, they make judgments about the quality of care provided. For health professionals to provide dare that addresses the needs of families and promotes their sense of satisfaction with care, it is essential to be able to measure family care needs and family care satisfaction.
Kristjanson, L. (2003). Issues in measuring family care needs and satisfaction. In Portenoy, R. & Bruera, E (Eds.), Issues in palliative care research, 203-216. Available here.