Industry Certification: Challenges for the conduct of University security based courses
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
University of South Australia
Faculty of Computing, Health and Science
School of Computer and Information Science / Centre for Security Research
Currently we are seeing more and more universities avail themselves of information technology certification courses to deliver in the University in place of or parallel to more tradition forms of University education. This is occurring for serveral reasons none of which often have anything to do with sound educational practice. Some of the fators responsible for this including perceived need from stakeholders and the vendor's willingness to offer substantial financial incentives. This paper will explore the educational nexus that this emergence of industry based certification programs produces for universities in particular with a focus on security education.
Valli, C. (2003). Industry Certification: Challenges for the conduct of University security based courses. Proceedings of Australian Information Warfare and IT Security Conference. (pp. 357-361). Adelaide, Australia. University of South Australia.