Strategic planning for e-government: a customer value based model
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Association for Information Systems
Faculty of Business and Public Management
School of Business
This paper looks at the implementation of a new customer value based model in e-government. Firstly the paper reviews the issues of e-government and the drive towards customer centric organisations in the context of a government agency. A model of change is reviewed and extended to the development of a virtual organisation model which can be applied along the customer value chain across multiple service organisations. A case study is used to demonstrate how the concept of a virtual organisation as a value-alliance model can improve customer service within a Government agency. Finally, it examines how the Aboriginal Affairs Department, a Western Australian Government agency is implementing this model as a virtual organisation and the implications of this model for the management of change in a developing e-community.
Access Rights
Burn, J., & Robbins, G., (2001). Strategic Planning for E-Government: A Customer Value Based Model. In AMCIS 2001Proceedings. (pp. 1578 - 1583). Boston, USA. Available here