Preemption-aware instantaneous request call routing for networks with book-ahead reservation

Document Type

Journal Article


Faculty of Computing, Health and Science


School of Engineering / Centre for Communications Engineering Research




Ahmad, I., & Kamruzzaman, J. (2007). Preemption-aware instantaneous request call routing for networks with book-ahead reservation. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 9(7), 1456-1465. Available here


This paper presents a new preemption-aware quality of service (QoS) routing algorithm for instantaneous request (IR) call connections in a QoS-enabled network where resources are shared between IR and book-ahead (BA) call connections. BA reservation, which confirms the availability of resources in advance, is a highly attractive technique for time sensitive applications that require high amount of bandwidth with guaranteed QoS. One of the major concerns for the implementation of BA reservation is the need for preemption of on-going IR calls to accommodate BA calls when resource scarcity arises. Preemption disrupts service continuity of on-going calls which is considered as severely detrimental from users' perceived QoS definition found in recent studies. Existing QoS routing algorithms focus on resource conservation or load balancing as the key objective to attain in addition to guaranteed QoS. No works have yet focused on the preemption problem of on-going IR calls at routing stage in the presence of BA calls. We present a mathematical formulation to compute the preemption probability of an incoming IR call at routing stage based on the current IR and future BA load information. We propose a routing strategy by formulating a link cost function comprising of the calculated preemption probability of the incoming IR call and hop count. Simulation results confirm that QoS routing based on the proposed link cost function significantly outperforms widely recommended shortest path and widest path routing algorithms in terms of IR call preemption and blocking rate. The proposed approach also yields higher network utilization and IR effective throughput.





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