A comparative analysis of the course accreditation requirements of Environmental Health Australia and the enHealth Environmental Health Officer skills and knowledge matrix
Document Type
Journal Article
Environmental Health Australia
Faculty of Computing, Health and Science
School of Exercise, Biomedical and Health Science
Australian universities are required to have their Environmental Health programs evaluated by Environmental Health Australia for accreditation. The currently utilised accreditation policy document prescribes specific generic graduate attributes and literacies. enHealth recently released a document that summarised the necessary skills and knowledge required by environmental health officers in Australia in the form of a matrix. An analysis of these two documents has identified some gaps in the current EHA accreditation document that will need to be addressed in the next revision of the policy.
Oosthuizen, J. (2009). A Comparative Analysis of the Course Accreditation Requirements of Environmental Health Australia and the enHealth Environmental Health Officer Skills and Knowledge Matrix. Environmental Health, 9(3/4), 91. Available here