Document Type



Sport and Physical Activity Research Centre (SPARC), Edith Cowan University

Place of Publication

Mount Lawley, Western Australia


Sport and Physical Activity Research Centre (SPARC)


Taggart, A, & Goodwin, S. (2000). Physical and sport education in Australia: Organisation, placement and related issues. Mount Lawley, Australia: Sport and Physical Activity Research Centre (SPARC), Edith Cowan University.


This paper provides a review of how physical and sport education in Australian schools is organised and administered. The roles and responsibilities of education and sport personnel are outlined. Issues of equity are addressed as is the extent of student participation. Implementation of physical and sport education programs, the links between PE and sport and teacher involvement are also discussed. The context of the new millennium and the place of government schools in Australia provides a backdrop for the interpretation of the review. The review assumes an advocacy orientation, and so presents a position paper that reacts to the macropolitical factors that have had a profound effect on physical and sport education in the past decade. A passive position would fail to inform outsiders of the realities systems, administrators, teachers and students are confronting in Australian schools at the beginning of 21st century...

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