Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Faculty of Computing, Health and Science
Electron Science Research Institute (ESRI)
A microstructured arrayed microfluidic waveguide structure for infrared radiation focussing and transfer is proposed and demonstrated. The arrayed waveguide structure comprises Masterbond UV-curable epoxy UV15 optimised using ZEMAX optical design software to achieve high efficiency of heat capture through far-infrared light focussing and subsequent absorption of the radiation on a centralised fluid medium. A high degree of alignment of the precision-positioned fluidic microchannels with the symmetry axes and the focal plane locations of the cylindrical microlens array is demonstrated, which maximises the efficiency of absorption of the incident IR light energy within the moving fluid. Observation of ink flows through the initial device prototype confirms the suitability of our microfluidic channel fabrication technology for the transfer of far-infrared light (heat) transfer. This microstructured arrayed waveguide structure has application for development of a textile fabric that enhances surface heat removal.
Access Rights
This is an Author's Accepted Manuscript of: Laursen, P. B., Alameh, K. , Vasiliev, M. , & Elliott, N. (2008). Microstructured Arrayed Microfluidic Waveguide Structure for Infrared Radiation Focusing and Transfer. Proceedings of IEEE Photonics Global. IPGC 2008 . (pp. 4). Singapore. IEEE Xplore online publication. Available here
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