Document Type
Journal Article
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Management
Self employment or small business ownership is often thought to be a viable alternative to mainstream employment. This is particular the case for budding small business owners who have a new product or service that they want to take to market. Many of these individuals use their specific skills and competencies to go on to become the successful operators of global organisations. Yet the growth in business start-up by mature (yet operationally naïve) people belies the notion that small business owners require any specialised skill set at all. This paper posits some questions as to why that is the case, and why policy makers need to consider this cohort as a group in its own right.
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This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in the journal of SEAANZ on17 Dec 2014: Lewis, K., & Walker, E. A. (2011). Self-employment: Policy panacea for an ageing population? Small enterprises research: the journal of SEAANZ, 18(2), 143-151. available online: here