AE2 Commander: Simulation and serious games in the online cultural heritage space
Document Type
Journal Article
Australian Society of Archivists Inc.
Dr Sebastian Curciullo
Faculty of Computing, Health and Science
School of Computer and Security Science
In 2009, the School of Computer and Security Science, Edith Cowan University, won an Ian Maclean Award to research the role of computer simulation in the archives online space.1 The grant was used to build an authentic World War I role-play game called AE2 Commander, based on the exploits of the World War I Australian submarine AE2.2 AE2 Commander is being used to research the application of serious gaming technologies and methods in the archives online space and to foster understanding of how original sources might be used as part of computer simulation and serious gaming. In this article, the authors explore the application of computer simulation and gaming technologies to archives online.
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Brogan, M. P., & Masek, M. (2011). AE2 Commander: Simulation and serious games in the online cultural heritage space. Archives and Manuscripts: The Journal of the Australian Society of Archivists Inc, 39(1), 85-106. Available here