Developing the vision: preparing teachers to deliver a digital world-class education system
Document Type
Journal Article
Faculty of Education and Arts
School of Education / Centre for Schooling and Learning Technologies
In 2008 Australians were promised a 'Digital Education Revolution' by the government to dramatically change classroom education and build a 'world-class education system'. Eight billion dollars have been spent providing computer equipment for upper secondary classrooms, yet there is little evidence that a revolution has occurred in Australian schools. Transformation of an education system takes more than a simplistic hardware solution. Revolutions need leaders and leaders need vision. In this paper, I argue that we must first develop educational leaders by inspiring future teachers with a vision and by designing our teacher-education courses as technology-rich learning-spaces. A multi-layered scenario is developed as the inspiration for a vision of a future-orientated teacher-education system that prepares teachers to deliver a 'worldclass digital education' for every Australian child. Although written for the Australian context this paper has broad relevance internationally for teacher education.
Access Rights
Lane, J. M. (2012). Developing the vision: preparing teachers to deliver a digital world-class education system. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 37(4), 59-74. Available here