Strength and power assessment protocols
Document Type
Book Chapter
Human Kinetics
Faculty of Health, Engineering and Science
School of Exercise and Health Sciences
Both strength and power are critical components of athletic performance. Strength andpower can represent specific or independent qualitiesof neuromuscular performance and therefore can be assessed and trained independently. Strength and power diagnosis is the process of determiningan athlete's level of development of each of these distinct qualities. A variety of tests are used by practitioners to test their athletes and to describe the physical qualities of athletes. The information obtained from strength and power assessment can be used to monitor training, measure the response to training interventions, identity strengths and weaknesses, individualize training loads and programs, and compare the athlete with other athletes and withnormative data. Practitioners and researchers must consider thereliability and validity of the variables obtainedfrom strength and power assessment. This chapter discusses the various strength and power qualities and the methods that are used to assess them.
McGuigan, M. R., Sheppard, J. M., Cormack, S. J., & Taylor, K. (2013). Strength and power assessment protocols. In R. Tanner and C. Gore (Eds.). Physiological tests for elite athletes (pp. 207-226).Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. Original book available here