Document Type
Journal Article
Speech Pathology Australia
Faculty of Health, Engineering and Science
School of Psychology and Social Science / Social Justice Research Centre
Reflective practice holds importance for health and education practitioners in Australia, as demonstrated by increased prominence in the revised Competency based Occupational Standards for speech pathologists. This paper explores the topic of reflective practice, in the clinical context, by addressing the following questions: What is reflective practice? Why is it an important skill for speech pathologists? What is the evidence base for reflective practice? How do practitioners and students engage in the process of reflection? In addressing the final question, four methods of facilitating reflection are outlined: journal reflection, reflection on a critical incident, reflection following professional development, and reflection on a clinical encounter.
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This is a copy of an article original published by the copyright holder Speech Pathology Association of Australia in JCPSLP: Lewis, A. V. (2013). Reflective practice what is it and how do I do it?. Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology, 15(2), 70-74.