Investigating The Personal Experiences And Self-Efficacy Of Western Australian Primary Pre-Service Teachers In The Visual Arts
Document Type
Journal Article
Art Education Australia
Faculty of Education and Arts
School of Education
The Visual Arts are essential to interpreting culture and introduction to the Visual Arts often occurs within primary school. A mixed methods study was undertaken at a Western Australian university across the Arts subjects: dance, drama, media Arts, music and Visual Arts. This paper reports the quantitative findings of the Visual Arts section of the investigation, examining students’ prior Visual Arts experiences and their self-efficacy to deliver the Visual Arts on graduating their degree. The research underscores the importance of positive Visual Arts experiences to build self-efficacy and intrinsic motivation among pre-service primary teachers.
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Morris, J. , & Lummis, G. W. (2014). Investigating the personal experiences and self-efficacy of Western Australian primary pre-service teachers in the visual arts. Australian Art Education, 36(1), 23-44. Available here