Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Australasian Association for Information Systems
Faculty of Business and Law
School of Business / Centre for Innovative Practice
Many organisations are dissatisfied with the outcomes of ISO implementations. This paper proposes that this dissatisfaction is often a consequence of a lack of clarity as to the goal of the implementation and the lack of a clear linkage to the organisational goal over the implementation. The paper proposes that the use of the relatively new tool from the Theory of Constraints –the Strategy and Tactic (S&T) tree can help to provide this linkage and to guide the subsequent implementation. The integration of the S&T Tree and Treacy and Wiersema’s Value Discipline model (1993) is used to focus the original goal setting and subsequent implementation. A case example is then presented to illustrate the application of the model
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This is an Author's Accepted Manuscript of: Al Hameed, L. M., Dobson, P. J., & Jackson, P. D. (2014). A Framework for Clarifying the Goal and Implementation of ISO. Proceedings of Australasian Conference on Information Systems. (pp. 11). Auckland, NZ. Australasian Association for Information Systems. Available here