Australian Information Security Management Conference

Document Type

Conference Proceeding


School of Computer and Information Science, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Western Australia


4th Australian Information Security Management Conference, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Western Australia, 5th December, 2006


Research in 802.11 wireless networking has in the past focused predominantly on corporate wireless network use, or identifying the flaws in wireless security. This study was aimed to determine the individuals’ perceptions of wireless security in the home environment. 163 volunteers completed a survey on their perceptions, knowledge, experiences and attitudes towards wireless networking. The results of the survey indicated that there is little difference in knowledge between those who had worked in the IT industry, and those who did not. The sources of information used to configure wireless networks are not improving the knowledge respondents had on wireless security. Respondents are aware of the various benefits of wireless networking. However, respondents do not appear to know the correct authentication and encryption methods which have been implemented on their wireless product.


