Date of Award
Document Type
Edith Cowan University
Degree Name
Master of Business
School of Marketing, Tourism and Leisure
Faculty of Business and Law
First Supervisor
Dr Sue Colyer
Second Supervisor
Dr Ruth Sibson
Grass roots sport clubs are the foundation for sport in Australia, they cater for mass participation across all ages and are predominantly managed by volunteers. The benefits of being involved in sport and in particular a sport club, both from a health and social capital perspective are well documented (Houlihan & Green, 2006; Hoye & Nicholson, 2008; Stewart, Nicholson, Smith, & Westerbeek, 2004). Australian governments at every level, provide funding for sport to support these benefits and often directly to sport clubs. Yet there is little published research on what makes a grass roots sport club effective (Koski, 1995), particularly in Australia. Organisational effectiveness is difficult to define, is constantly changing and usually requires the organisation to determine what is to be measured for effectiveness (Cameron, 1986b). Due to the difficulty in defining organisational effectiveness, researchers began to develop models, which are used to measure the effectiveness of an organisation rather than define it. These models can be onedimensional or multi-dimensional in nature. However, limitations exist with this method of determining organisational effectiveness, because the criteria of effectiveness is predetermined and may not be specific to the organisation/s needs (Kent & Weese, 2000).
Recommended Citation
Burton, E. J. (2009). Organisational effectiveness in selected grass roots sport clubs in Western Australia. Edith Cowan University. Retrieved from