Date of Award


Document Type



Edith Cowan University

Degree Name

Master of Education


School of Education


Faculty of Education

First Supervisor

Dr Mark Hackling

Second Supervisor

Dr Pat Garnett


The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the science investigation skill attainment of Tongan Form 5 (16 years of age) General Science students. Benchmark statements were developed to describe the range of science investigation skills and standard of performance that should be expected of Tongan Form 5 General Science students. A written test of science process skills and a practical test of science apparatus skills, were developed to assess the level of attainment of science investigation skills by students who have completed Form 4 and Form 5 General Science in Tonga. The instruments were piloted twice in Western Australian schools, revised, piloted in Tonga and then administered to students at ten high schools In Tonga. From the written test of science process skills, it was found that more than 60% of the Form 5 students had not attained the benchmark standards. The students performed best on questions regarding collecting and communicating information, and worst on the questions relating to problem analysis, planning and control of variables. From the practical test of science apparatus skills, it was found that more than half of the Form 5 students had not attained the benchmark standards related to using laboratory equipment like a thermometer, Bunsen burner, triple-beam balance, and measuring cylinder.
