Date of Award


Document Type



Edith Cowan University

Degree Name

Master of Arts


School of International, Cultural And Community Studies


Faculty of Education and Arts

First Supervisor

Adjunct Professor Andrew Taylor


Novel. My novel deals with the themes of obsession, jealousy, volatility, and revenge, while simultaneously dealing with the more benign theme of love within relationships, and holiday-mode pleasures. Divided into different narrative voices, it traces the interweaving stories of Madam Pele, Goddess of volcanoes and lava, a small lava rock, and Di and Paul, both during their past holiday in Hawaii, and in the present in Perth. Inadvertantly transporting Pele within the rock on their return from Hawaii, they unwittingly release her rage upon their city. Essay. In this essay I cover contemporary theoretical considerations, such as Modernism, Postmodernism and Fantasy, and an analysis of various influential authors' writing techniques, descriptive language and narrative-plot genres, that led me to want to write my novel Madam Pele as a contemporary mythical fantasy. I then detail the devices, (such as voices, patterns, free verse, active verbs and so on) that I used to achieve this result - the implausable becoming reality with the Pele myth incorporated into the contemporary world.
