Date of Award


Document Type



Edith Cowan University

Degree Name

Master of Science


School of Exercise and Health Sciences


Faculty of Health, Engineering and Science

First Supervisor

Dr Nikola Medic


The Sport Commitment Model (SCM) has been used to gain insight about the factors that influence people’s decision to continue participation in sport. Majority of the studies that are grounded in the SCM have been conducted with athletes. To date, few studies have examined sport commitment of coaches however, these did not assess two commitment dimensions per se (functional or “want to” and obligatory or “have to” commitment to sport), rather each has measured certain predictor variables and inferred commitment dimensions based on clustering of predictors [i.e. 13]. This study had one main purpose, to examine the SCM amongst coaches. Specifically, coaches’ commitment to sport and its predictors were assessed from the perspective of the coaches themselves. This was conducted in both a team and an individual sport participation environment. Coaches’ sport commitment was examined during the respective sports season in order to allow all coaches a chance to participate, using current experience to draw upon when they completed the survey. A sample of 92 coaches from Australia and New Zealand, who participate in various sports, completed an anonymous online survey which assessed commitment to sport dimensions and six of the predictor constructs.

Results from a series of 3 separate linear regression analyses provided initial evidence about the factors that explain coaches’ functional, obligatory, and behavioural commitment to sport. It was found that Functional Commitment was significantly predicted by higher Sport Enjoyment, Involvement Opportunities, and Personal Investment. Obligatory Commitment, on the other hand, was predicted by higher Social Constraints and lower Involvement Alternatives. Finally, Behavioural Commitment was predicted by higher Personal Investments and Social Support.

These findings have both theoretical and practical implications for future studies, given that this was the first study which explicitly measured different types of commitment to sport amongst coaches. Results from this study provide a snapshot and a foundation for potential further research about factors that contribute to coaches’ commitment to sport.
