Document Type

Conference Proceeding


IEEE Press


Faculty of Computing, Health and Science


School of Engineering / Centre for Communications Engineering Research




This is an Author's Accepted Manuscript of: Zen, K. , Habibi, D. , Rassau, A. M., & Ahmad, I. (2008). Performance Evaluation of IEEE 802.15.4 for Mobile Sensor Network. Proceedings of 5th IFIP International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks. WOCN '08. (pp. 1-5). Surabaya, East Java Indonesia. IEEE Press. Available here

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The IEEE 802.15.4 standard medium access control (MAC) protocol for low rate wireless personal area networks (LRWPAN) is design mainly for static sensor networks and its capability to support mobile sensor networks has not yet been established. To the best knowledge of authors, this is the first paper that evaluates the suitability of IEEE 802.15.4 MAC in mobile sensor networks environment. We evaluate the performance based on node's speed and beacon order, and observe the effect on energy usage, packet delivery ratio and time required to associate with its coordinator. From the experiment we observe that the moving nodes experienced serious problems in association and synchronization and show results on energy usage, throughput , association and reassociation rate with different speeds of moving node. We also identify some key research problems that need to be addressed for successful implementations of IEEE 802.15..4 in mobile sensor networks environment.



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