Using the DODDEL model to teach serious game design to novice designers

Document Type

Conference Proceeding


Auckland University & Australasian Sociaety for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education


Faculty of Education and Arts


School of Communications and Arts / Centre for Research in Entertainment, Arts, Technology, Education and Communications




McMahon, M. T. (2009). Using the DODDEL model to teach serious game design to novice designers. Proceedings of Ascilite 2009. (pp. 646-653). Auckland, New Zealand. The University of Auckland, Auckland University of Technology & Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education. Available here


Instructional design is often defined as a complex and ill-structured problem solving process. Research has shown that for novice designers, a clear structure is required to develop expertise goes beyond instruction on the problem solving process. There are many instructional design models that are used to explicate the process. However, there are few in the growing area of Serious Games that provide an adequate level of prescription, while accommodating the broad range of contexts and philosophies that underpin their design and development. The DODDEL Model (McMahon, 2009) has been developed to address this. This paper describes a study involving the implementation of the model with a group of undergraduate students in Serious Game design. Its value as a tool to promote expertise in novice designers is discussed.

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