Promoting teaching and learning with an online QuickTime annotation tool

Document Type

Conference Proceeding


Apple University Consortium


Faculty of Community Services, Education and Social Sciences


School of Communications and Contemporary Arts / Centre for Research in Entertainment, Arts,Technology, Education and Communications


Polinelli, D., & Luca, J. (2005). Promoting Teaching and Learning with an Online QuickTime Annotation Tool. Paper presented at the Apple University Consortium Academic and Developers Conference. Evolution: Universities, students and technology, Wrest Point Conference Centre, Hobart. Conference website available here.


The uptake of online teaching and learning has been rapidly rising over the past few years, with many higher education institutions keen to offer flexible delivery courses. However, the scrabble to provide online delivery has not been successful in many instances, and the term "Shovel ware" has evolved in the literature with regular monotony! Increasingly, it has become apparent that effective online teaching and learning is more than just using technology to host text based content. It requires well thought out instructional strategies that include appropriate learning activities to help promote student engagement within the context of the subject material. This paper describes an online tool designed to help make students' online learning experience more authentic. The process developed to utilise this QuickTime tool allows educators to quickly and effectively capture, store, annotate and stream QuickTime movies related to a lecture, case study, interview or any other authentic situation. The annotation feature provides time-based markers to insert text, URL's or downloadable files to explain difficult concepts within the movie. The tool provides an effective and simple means of providing rich media assets in online teaching and learning environments to help engage and motivate both on and offcampus students.
