Turning a linksys WRT54G into more than just a wireless router
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
School of Computer and Information Science, Edith Cowan University
Faculty of Computing, Health and Science
School of Computer and Information Science
This paper will discuss and analyse the ability of a Linksys wireless router to become an extremely useful wireless tool. It will analyse the default setup for a Linksys WRT54G and its capabilities. It will then discuss 3rd party firmware available and the potential activities available using this firmware. The report will also discuss several wireless tools, demonstrate them running on the router and discuss their potential uses. It will attempt to outline the advantages and limitations of running different wireless tools on an embedded device. The test environment will consist of a Linksys WRT54G, a laptop equipped with 2 wireless cards and a PC connected to the router via a wired port.
Innes, S. (2005). Turning a Linksys WRT54G into more than just a Wireless Router. In Australian Computer, Network & Information Forensics Conference (pp. 45-53). Available here