Muscle activation and fatigue during prolonged endurance cycling in hot and cool conditions - A comparison of analytical methods

Document Type

Conference Proceeding


Faculty of Computing, Health and Science


School of Exercise, Biomedical and Health Science / Centre for Exercise and Sports Science Research




Burnett, A. F., Abbiss, C. , Green, J., & Laursen, P. B. (2005). Muscle activation and fatigue during prolonged endurance cycling in hot and cool conditions - A comparison of analytical methods. Proceedings of XXIIIrd International Symposium of Biomechanics in Sports Symposium. (pp. 459-462). Beijing. The China Institute of Sports Science. Available here


The aim of this study was to compare analytical methods to quantify muscle activation and muscle fatigue in prolonged cycling. Six endurance-trained male cyclists performed a simulated 100 km time trial ,in hot (34 QC) and cool (10 QC) climates. During the time trial EMG from the vastus lateralis was measured in five 1 km sprints and variables indicative of muscle activation and muscle fatigue were measured via two different methods. The results from this study indicate that different methods of EMG analysis may change some findings in exercise-induced fatigue studies. Further, this study confirms the need for research in multi-disciplinary models of fatigue that consider biomechanical, physiological, biochemical and cognitive factors.

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