The Tutoring Services Provider: Authentic Learning for an Unknown Future at Work

Document Type

Conference Proceeding


Faculty of Computing, Health and Science


School of Nursing and Public Health




Hunt, L., Kershaw, L., & Bana, J. (2003). The tutoring services provider: Authentic learning for an unknown future at work. Learning for an Unknown Future. Research and Development in Higher Education, 26. Milperra, NSW: Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia. Available here.


This paper addresses the expectations of students and governments that university study will prepare graduates for an unknown future at work. It describes a tutorial agency, the Tutoring Services Provider (TSP), which was developed as part of a wider, work-based learning project at Edith Cowan University, Perth, Western Australia. This project was informed by authentic learning pedagogy and sought to enhance the generic skills required for students to work effectively in an uncertain future. The paper reflects the action learning framework of the project and draws lessons from what went right and what went wrong. It demonstrates how authentic learning may be put into practice through the appropriate design of assignments and explores possible future directions for similar projects.

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