Document Type
Journal Article
Publication Title
Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education
Taylor & Francis
School of Education
School Curriculum and Standards Authority of Western Australia
The positioning and format of performance assessment in examination physical education varies between courses across Australia and internationally. This paper centres on developments in performance assessment in the Physical Education Studies (PES) course in Western Australia (WA). In 2021 The School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA) undertook an assessment validation trial of school-based assessment of students participating in modified format competitive game play in the 10 PES sports. This contrasted to existing centralised examination arrangements. The paper reports on findings from observation of the trial in nine of the 10 sport contexts, and semi-structured interviews with teachers, validators and SCSA staff. Analysis drew on conceptualisations of quality assessment to critically examine features of assessment information collection and judgement processes in the trial and the inter-relationships between these two elements of assessment. Discussion highlights issues of quality and equity in performance assessment for future policy and research to consider.
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Penney, D., O’Hara, E., & Lund, R. (2022). Enhancing quality and equity? Performance assessment validation in examination physical education in Western Australia. Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education, 14(3), 288-305.