Sisters Akousmatica’s ‘expanded radio’ practice as radical feminist broadcast
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Title
Proceedings of the Australasian Computer Music Conference 2019
The Australasian Computer Music Association
Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA) / Centre for Research in Entertainment, Arts, Technology, Education and Communications
Sisters Akousmatica is a collaborative transmission artsproject launched by Tasmanian sound artists Phillipa Stafford and Julia Drouhin in 2016, concerned with‘promoting women and gender diverse voices in public space’ (Sisters Akousmatica, 2019a). Their practice involves largescale public transmission projects, hidden radio broadcasts, transmitter building workshops withwomen and children, and writtenresearch, exploring the potential of emergent art forms to support, promote and cultivate socio-cultural and gender minorities in the fieldof sound arts. This paper investigates the ‘expanded radio’ medium (Sisters Akousmatica, 2019a) and how itmayenable Sisters Akousmatica, women and gender diverse folks to reimagine the cultural space ofradio through alternative discourses. I approach analysis from a feministmusicological framework, informed by theories of Susan McClary and seminal feminist theorist Hélène Cixous. Considering thepaucity of empirical and theoretical study regarding women, feminism and broadcast, this paper contributes tothe understanding of feminist radio practice, and offers suggestions of the possibilities of expanded radio as a model of radical feminist broadcast.
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Moses, A., & Vickery, L. (2019, July). Sisters Akousmatica’s ‘expanded radio’ practice as radical feminist broadcast [Paper presentation]. Proceedings of the Australasian Computer Music Conference 2019, Melbourne, Victoria.